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Conjugación de reign

to reignreinar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I reignyo reino
you reigntú reinas
he reignsél reina
she reignsella reina
we reignnosotros reinamos
you reignvosotros reináis
they reignellos reinan
they reignellas reinan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I reignedyo reiné
you reignedtú reinaste
he reignedél reinó
she reignedella reinó
we reignednosotros reinamos
you reignedvosotros reinasteis
they reignedellos reinaron
they reignedellas reinaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have reignedyo he reinado
you have reignedtú has reinado
he has reignedél ha reinado
she has reignedella ha reinado
we have reignednosotros hemos reinado
you have reignedvosotros habéis reinado
they have reignedellos han reinado
they have reignedellas han reinado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had reignedyo había reinado
you had reignedtú habías reinado
he had reignedél había reinado
she had reignedella había reinado
we had reignednosotros habíamos reinado
you had reignedvosotros habíais reinado
they had reignedellos habían reinado
they had reignedellas habían reinado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will reignyo reinaré
you will reigntú reinarás
he will reignél reinará
she will reignella reinará
we will reignnosotros reinaremos
you will reignvosotros reinaréis
they will reignellos reinarán
they will reignellas reinarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have reignedyo habré reinado
you will have reignedtú habrás reinado
he will have reignedél habrá reinado
she will have reignedella habrá reinado
we will have reignednosotros habremos reinado
you will have reignedvosotros habréis reinado
they will have reignedellos habrán reinado
they will have reignedellas habrán reinado

I would reignyo reinaría
you would reigntú reinarías
he would reignél reinaría
she would reignella reinaría
we would reignnosotros reinaríamos
you would reignvosotros reinaríais
they would reignellos reinarían
they would reignellas reinarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have reignedyo habría reinado
you would have reignedtú habrías reinado
he would have reignedél habría reinado
she would have reignedella habría reinado
we would have reignednosotros habríamos reinado
you would have reignedvosotros habríais reinado
they would have reignedellos habrían reinado
they would have reignedellas habrían reinado

Participio presenteAnotado
reigning reinando

Participio pasadoAnotado
reigned reinado

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